Wednesday, November 26, 2014

SEHRC Stickers and Facebook


San Elijo Hills Running Club is now on Facebook as a private group.  Please ask to be added if interested.


To a certain degree, this blog is about running.  Perhaps to a greater degree, it's about running a running club.  In an effort to memorialize the process, I've blogged about the name, the motto, the mascot, shirts, hats and now stickers.

The BykViking doesn't let up.  I mention the idea of stickers and voila, he gives me sticker designs.  Now I've got to make a decision.

Potential sticker designs
To aid in my decision, I request feedback.  Greg F. likes the three on the right side, with the top right one the best.  Chris B. likes the middle right and bottom right.

In my mind, the sticker should inform the reader of the name of the club and it's purpose.  At the same time, the BykViking and I are interested in having the sticker be consistent with either the shirts or the hat. Under this framework, the middle and bottom right fit the bill, as they both spell the club name out. Moreover, the middle right is consistent with the hat design and bottom right with the shirt design.

Although, the middle right does not pop.  Perhaps a change in color scheme?  At the same time, the top right, to me, is pretty cool looking.  Anyhow, we will send a bunch of emails to one another and chat about it on a group run and figure it out.  If you, the reader, have any comments, please comment away.


  1. I vote for the Right Bottom. That Represents the Club the Best.

  2. Kam, you on Facebook. Also check out the 92078 magazine online, we are in the second issue.

  3. I think we can rework the bottom right to decrease the coyote and increase the name. Let me get a quote and see if we can get two or three versions, but also what size are you thinking for these? 3" width, 4"?
