Ibex Cup
The inaugural running of the Ibex Cup will take place between November 28 to December 18. The Ibex Cup will consist of one climb a week for three weeks, as follows (click on the empty rectangle to see the climb):
Telescope Climb
November 28-December 4
Denning Road Climb
December 5-December 11
Post to Pillar
December 12-December 18
The three climbs were chosen to represent distinct geographical areas of SEH, for simplicity of course, as well as to offer a variety of climbs.
Points will be awarded to runners equal to the position in which they cross the finish line (first place gets 1 point, second place gets 2 points, etc.) The maximum number of points for a segment will be capped at 10 points. Thus, the lowest possible score is 3 points; the maximum possible score is 30 points.
The points for each climbing segment will be summed and the low score wins. In the event of a points tie, lowest combined running time will serve as the tie-break.
Runners will have one week to complete a specific climbing segment, as noted above. Upon completion of a climb, runners are to send a Strava link of their climbing segment to sehrunclub@yahoo.com. Runs that are not submitted via Strava will not be processed.
To send the segment, click on the run, then click "Segments" on left side of page, segments for the run will then come up, then click on the appropriate segment, it will look something like: "http://www.strava.com/activities/186347156/segments/10286084461", then copy and paste into the email.
Runners may run any climb during the respective window as many times as they wish. However, the first time emailed will be the recorded time. Runners have 48 hours to submit their Strava segment following the window closing.
Alternatively, the segment will be date searched via Strava and the best time of a participant will be scored - meaning just run the segment, we'll take care of the rest.
Results will be updated on the blog as segments are received and as my schedule allows.
There will be a men's and women's division. The top finisher of each division will receive a trophy cup. There are no age groupings.
Thanks for initiating and setting this up, Im stoked. Good times for sure